Stephanie Mayhew, NCBTMB,CMT
Board Certified Massage Therapist

Services & Rates

Signature Massage/Deep Tissue

60 minutes: $80.00
90 minutes: $100.00

A therapeutic massage customized to your individual needs. This can be a relaxation or deep tissue or a combination of both. Our therapists use varied strokes and skillful hand movements to promote circulation and detoxification, target stressed muscles, unlock tension and relieve pain or discomfort.

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Hot Stone Upgrade

15 minutes: $20.00

Hot Stone Therapy is a style of massage where heated stones are placed at specific sites on your body to deepen relaxation and promote circulation in your muscles. Muscles that are heated with these stones release tension and stress much more deeply and quickly than with a traditional massage. The overall experience is very relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating.

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90 minutes: $155.00

An integrative new way to support balance disrupted by fibromyalgia symptoms. Very effective modality to promote sleep, and ease fibromyalgia symptoms. CBD EXTRA STRENGTH SALVE IS INCLUDED WITH THIS SERVICE!!!! (Which in most cases can be described as inflammation of the tissues, and stiffness.) Many clients claim that weekly massage sessions keep their pain under control. A client was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 10 years ago, states "Massage therapy has helped me get through really bad bouts with deep spinal pain and tender point pain."
Based on what I have experienced in my practice, I view therapeutic massage as a tool that can help people take ownership of their fibromyalgia in a positive, healing way. Regular sessions can help people reconnect with themselves, and facilitate a deep state of relaxation through which they can release some of their pain. During the massage, the breathing slows down, as does the heart rate. This leads to a state of deep relaxation, kind of a pre-sleep state. Once you have received several sessions, your body can become more conditioned to reproduce this state of deep relaxation. Each session may require different levels of pressure per clients needs.

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Corp/Small Business Chair/Table

1-15 Clients: $300 and up

Corporate Chair or Corporate Table massage is a popular way of relieving stress and releasing tension right in your home or workplace. In addition, to the usual health benefits of massage that you can offer your employees on a weekly or monthly basis, another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. With seated massage, you can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that you may feel in disrobing for a traditional massage. Also, chair massage sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage, making it convenient enough to fit into your busy schedule.

Minimum 3 hr purchase.

Small business contracts prices may vary!

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60 minutes: $80.00
90 minutes: $100

Relaxation massage is a smooth, gentle, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, relieves muscular tension, plus improves circulation and range of movement. ... Your therapist will aim to relax, revive and rejuvenate you at a massage depth that does not cause discomfort.

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Sports Massage

60 minutes: $80
90 minutes: $100.00

Sports Massage is a type of massage designed for highly active people who engage in athletics. Engaging in sports is harsh on the body and can often lead to injuries in both the short and long term. Sports Massage enhances performance and prolongs a sports career by helping to prevent injury, reduce pains and swelling in the body, relax the mind, increase flexibility, and dramatically improve recovery rates. Sports Massage is also highly effective in aiding the rapid recovery of an athlete from an injury by encouraging greater kinesthetic awareness and in turn promoting the body's natural immune function.

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New Service/ORDER CBD!!!

5 minutes: $80.00

Purchase your very own Full Spectrum CBD ointment. MAGIC IN A BOTTLE! Ask about our CBD UPGRADES FOR ANY SERVICE! Order on my booking website or Facebook page or Google Website:


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Gratuity/Taxes/Travel (INCLUDED)

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